Most credit grantors report credit information to all three national credit agencies and will notify them of the identity theft problem. But don't count on them. Contact each of the national credit agencies personally. This will insure that you have the opportunity to review all credit information currently being reported.
It is important that you contact each credit grantor (such as MasterCard, Visa, etc.) to complete the necessary documentation for their identity theft investigation process. The credit agencies (Equifax, Trans Union, Experian) will verify the claimed fraudulent information with the credit grantor. Please note: If the credit grantor has not received the documents from you, they may not be aware of the identity theft activity, and could potentially return the verification request to the credit reporting agencies stating that the account is reporting correctly. This is a bad thing. So always contact the credit grantor with your identity theft allegations first.
Read the sections on how to protect your credit, and prevent credit theft.
To have a fraud alert temporarily or permanently removed from your credit
file, identification information, such as a copy of your driver's license
or utility bill reflecting your current address, along with a copy of
your social security card, must be provided.
There may appear to be duplicate accounts reporting in your credit
file. Please review it carefully as some credit grantors issue both
revolving and installment accounts using similar account numbers.
Another reason why an account may appear to be reported twice is that
when you move, some credit grantors transfer your account to a
different location and issue a new account number.
Many companies market consumer products and services by mail. If you
want to reduce the number of direct marketing mailings, you can write
to the following:
Direct Marketing Association
Mail Preference Service
P.O. Box 9008
Farmingdale, N.Y. 11735-9008
To request that your name be removed from Direct Marketing Association
member lists, include your complete name, full address, and signature.
Name, address, and Social Security Number information may be provided by
credit bureaus to businesses that have a legitimate need to locate or
identify a consumer.
Payment in full does not remove your payment history from your credit file. The length of time information remains in your credit file is shown below:
Credit Accounts
Accounts paid as agreed remain up to 10 years
Accounts not paid as agreed remain for 7 years
Collection Accounts
Remain for 7 years
Courthouse Records
Remain for 7 year from the date filed except:
Chapters 7 and 11 remain 10 years from the date filed.
Chapter 13 non-dismissed or non-discharged remain for 10 years from date
Unpaid Tax Liens
Remain indefinitely
Paid Tax Liens
Remain for up to 7 years from the date released
California Residents
All tax liens remain for 7 years from the date filed
NY State Residents
Satisfied judgments remain for 5 years from the date filed.
Paid collections Remain for 5 years from the "date of last activity."