- If this is a group or class project: the head of the group or the
teacher in charge must send in requested info including resume and a
group picture.
- If you are applying for a paid position, we are using the same sign up
form below for both paid and volunteer positions. Please be sure to include
your resume, e-mail in a small picture to
and note your position preference in the comment section. Any open paid
positions are posted in with the volunteer opportunities list and noted as a
paid position. Resumes sent in with Requests for any other paid position
(not listed as open at this time) will be held for VAA future needs.
- Attn: Volunteers. Submission of your photo is your agreement that at
anytime VAA may choose to spotlight you or your group with your photo on
our national web-site in the Volunteer Spotlight section, in the VAA
Newsletter, or in any publication they deem fit. VAA highly regards all
volunteer efforts and likes to give recognition for same!
- One big thing that everyone
can do if you'd like to help VAA is to sign
on for membership for VAARetail. If you would consider doing all of your
shopping from there (whether it be just your soap from Target, your
anniversary gift from FTD, a new suit from Brookes Brothers, 200 Omaha
Steak gift packs sent out in December to all of your best clients for the
holidays, or anything from staplers and paper supplies for your student,
right on up to a complete new computer system for your corporation) it's
easy when you put VAARetail in your bookmarks/favorites! It costs you no
more (sometimes even less than if you walked into their shop) but 100% of
all proceeds goes to the non-profit goals of VAA. There are over 450
merchants involved and every one of them gives a donation in your name to
VAA with each purchase. If you did all of your shopping starting at
VAARetail ø you'd have a nice tax deduction at the end of the year and we'd
have funding to help more victims. Please consider signing on ø whether you
ever do anything else for VAA - please send this info about VAARetail to
everyone that you know: Especially corporate buyers. If 1 in 3 in the US
have been a Victim of Identity Theft - let's get 1 in 3 Americans shopping
to help a victim! Tell them to go to: www.VictimsAssistanceofAmerica.org (It's
the green button on the home page!)